Monday, April 27, 2020

Good Morning LHS:
Here is the link to the community letters from Dr. Oaks.

Well hello Lions, happy happy Monday. Our message of the day comes from Ms. Shew with some important info (hint- if you like to win stuff don't miss out on this one). Check it out here.  Send your spirit pictures to“

Virtual Spirit Week RAFFLE Drawing! Students, fill out the google form for a chance to win a FREE class t-shirt for NEXT school year. Seniors can enter to win a gift card!

NEW! LHS Post Grad Instagram! Log in to see the Class of 2020 and find out their plans for Life After Littleton.

Attention Seniors! Please go into your Naviance account, under "Colleges I'm Applying To". Within your list of schools, under the "Applications" column, please update the results of each of your applications: accepted, denied, waitlisted, etc. Also, please scroll down and indicate where you plan to attend, if you've made a decision at this point. This information will be kept strictly confidential. We need this information in order to know where to send your final transcripts in June.

Morgan Kelly
Grace Amine
Reid Fornstrom