Monday, May 4, 2020

Good Morning LHS:
Here is the link to the community letters from Dr. Oaks.

Hey Lions, happy happy Monday. We have a special Newspaper video for you this morning- check it out and have a great week Lions!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Virtual Spirit Week! Check out the video of our spirit pics!

Attention AP Students: Your AP exams will begin next week, and Collegeboard has put out a practice log in for you. They have given you a link to open your computer/ Ipad/ Phone etc. to get connected to your AP exam. Please practice this to make sure your personal device is compatible with their software. Please watch the 5-minute video they have given us to help walk you through this process. If you have any questions, please let Mrs. Zerr know. You can reach her at Please open the link to watch the video:

National Honor Society members- you received an email from your sponsors regarding the end to this year's service work and officer elections for next year. Please contact Ms. Adams-Berger or Mr. Puchino with any questions.

LHS has a long-standing tradition of welcoming the incoming freshman class with an amazing Orientation. This morning of activities, tours, and fun is such an important part of our culture, and we want a diverse group of junior and senior student leaders to be a part of it! If you are interested in becoming an Orientation Leader and welcoming the class of 2024, please fill out the following application.

Morgan Kelly
Grace Amine
Reid Fornstrom