Thursday, August 27, 2020

On Tuesday, the boy's varsity golf team had a tournament at Broken Tee Golf Course, and they did well. The team finished in 2nd place overall, our best finish so far this season. The Lions were led by junior Emmett Loomis, his score of a 76 was also the best score in the tournament. Good job, boys, keep it up!

All Current National Honor Society members- Your sponsors, Ms. A-B and Mr. Puchino, will be sending out an email this week regarding our upcoming election of officers for the 20-21 school year. We will be holding elections virtually.
Potential new members will be notified of their eligibility and will be encouraged to apply for membership by the middle of September with applications due at the end of September.


Students, SAC, or the School Accountability Committee, is looking for two student members. This committee, which includes teachers, parents, students, and staff, meets once a month after school. SAC supports our school improvement efforts, and it's a great way to learn more about what LHS is all about. Past students have enjoyed this opportunity! If you are interested, go to the SAC page on our website and complete the self-nomination form. They are due Friday, Sept. 4th. If we have more than students apply, we will pull two names out of a hat. It's that easy! Thank you!

If you have not picked up your school supply pack yet, please stop by the main office to pick it up.

Our Gay-Straight Alliance (or GSA) will begin meeting virtually along with other clubs in September. We will begin in-person meetings when LHS clubs and activities begin. Contact Ms. A-B or Ms. Lindly (in counseling) with any questions and check out future announcements about when and how to join us soon!