Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Congratulations to our Doubles 4 team Lily and Courtney! They won first place in the League after finishing their 4th match in the League tournament with a tie-break victory! You are aptly named the TieBreak Queens! Congratulations also go out to Singles 1 player Eva Brendlinger for placing 2nd in the league! Wish our Lions luck as they compete at Regionals this Thursday and Friday.



Open gyms for girls' basketball begin tonight from 7:00-8:30 in the North gym. Normally, we will meet on Tuesday nights going forward from 6:00-8:00. Open gyms are open to all returning players as well as any new players interested in participating next season. Hope to see you there!

Key Club members - The Google form for nominations for executive officers is now posted on Google Classroom. Please submit nominations by noon on Thursday.

Join the LHS community for a Día del Niño/Day of the Child Celebration today, 4/30, from 5-7 PM in the North and South Gyms. There will be kid-friendly food, music, dance, games, and more! Bring your families to help celebrate children and the diverse cultures represented by our LHS student body. Sponsored in partnership between the LHS community and funding from the City of Littleton, this event is free and open to all LHS students and families.

Seniors, our LHS community has created a Mickey Wentz Memorial Scholarship for students attending a two or four-year accredited college/technical school next year. Applications can be picked up in post-grad or accessed through your seminar's Google Classroom. The application deadline is May 1st.

"It's that time of year again! We are looking for current sophomores and juniors to help lead orientation in the fall of 2024. QR codes for the Google Classroom and application form can be found outside of room 2610 or on the bulletin board outside of counseling. Please submit your applications by Friday, May 17th. If you have any questions, contact Mr. Enzminger or Ms. Lindly.