Friday, November 20, 2020

Good Morning LHS:
Here is the link to the community letters from Dr. Oaks.


Attention Seniors: Now that we are remote, the process for ordering transcripts for college applications has changed. Please email either Ms. Reimers or Ms. Walker to request your transcripts after you have requested them on Naviance. Please request your transcripts ten days before any deadlines and remember that the Registrar's Office will be closed from November 21-29.
Please email us with any questions or to set up a Google Meet!
Becky Reimers -
Kate Walker -

Attention Students: There has been a change to the Spring Schedule Adjustments due to remote learning.
Schedule adjustments for the spring semester will be the week following Thanksgiving break. Students: Please email your counselor on the day designated for your grade level. The schedule is as follows:
SENIORS: Monday, Nov. 30th
JUNIORS: Tuesday, Dec. 1st
SOPHOMORES: Wednesday, Dec. 2nd
FRESHMEN: Thursday, Dec. 3rd
Please email your counselor with change requests; a virtual meeting may need to be scheduled if the changes are a bit more complicated.

Chromebook or tech issues? Remember. . .
You should use this link ( to request tech support. Support will be available remotely and in person at the Education Services Center, 5776 South Crocker Street. (Park in the south lot and go to the cafeteria.)

LHS Boosters online school spirit store is now open for your holiday shopping. The store will close on November 22, and all items will be delivered to your home by December 15 - just in time for the holidays. Two NEW items have been added for the winter - a winter beanie and joggers!!
Click on the link to shop, and you can cross that person off your list and support LHS Athletics!


Thank you for your help!!
Buy delicious holiday pies and support two great non-profit organizations
LHS Booster club is partnering with Housed Working and Healthy is a 501 c(3) non-profit helping people exit homelessness and become self-sufficient. This organization runs a 12-month program which includes housing, mental health services, job training and employment services - all critical components to self-sufficiency. Each pie is made by participants of the HWH program and $4 will go directly to supporting LHS athletics. This fundraiser runs through the end of December and be sure to place your order by tomorrow, November 20 for Thanksgiving pies.
Place your order on-line at the coupon code LHSBoosters at pick up at one of two central locations. See flyer for more details.