Monday, April 12, 2021

On Friday and Saturday, members of our speech and debate team competed in the national qualifying tournament. We are proud to say that for the 5th year in a row, and 26th year overall, Littleton is heading to the national tournament. KC Lynch and Grace Amine quailed in Duo Interp. They have had a great year, and we are thrilled they get to continue their season in June. Congratulations, KC and Grace!

Attention Seniors: Please stop by the Post Grad Office to let us know what your plans are for next year and pick up some SWAG! We want to fill up the Senior Wall with all of your destinations!

Sign up to see our Varsity Boys Soccer last home game tomorrow, April 13, at 6:00 pm. The gate list is on our Athletic website, The deadline to sign up is noon on April 13. There are a limited number of spots. Gate list is only for current LHS students, and you must bring your LHS Student ID.

Attention all dancers and cheerleaders! The Lionettes (Poms team) will have tryouts for next year's team on May 4 & 5 at 4:15 PM in the South Gym. Athletes will need a valid physical and a brief letter of reference from a teacher. Email Coach Ockner at with any questions!

Attention all Track & Field Athletes. Please plan on attending a brief meeting tomorrow, April 13th, at 3:45 pm in the Stadium Bleachers. If you cannot attend, please see Coach Koepke!



Hey Seniors! Student Council invites you to submit a 2-3 minute audition video to speak/perform at Graduation. Submit via email to Mr. Prince or Mrs. Watkins by April 16th. or
It can be a traditional speech, song, poem, or any other creative representation of your choice. It should be school appropriate. We look forward to hearing from you!

The LHS Boy's Swim & Dive Team is looking for divers! No experience necessary. If you love to snowboard, ski, do gymnastics, jump on a trampoline, go off the diving board, or just want to be part of the defending League Champions, please consider coming out for the Dive Team. If you are interested, please reach out to Coach Farner at Go Lions!

Hey peeps! Looking for ways to give back to the community while also supporting local businesses? Represent LHS and come to Parry's Pizza in Southglenn tomorrow, April 13th, and enjoy some fresh, oven-made pizzas while also bringing the school and the world around us all the closer. Just go to the restaurant or to and put "fundraiser" in the notes section to directly support the school. Brought to you by Student Council.