Thursday, November 11, 2021

Grace Greenly:
Lions - On November 11 every year we celebrate Veterans Day. Veterans Day pays tribute to all American veterans–living or deceased. We would like to give thanks to all veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime. We have several members of the LHS community members who are veterans or active service members. We encourage you to think about the sacrifices veterans made and take a moment to thank them for their service.

Mr. Mickey Wentz, a math teacher at Littleton High School, will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance today. Mr. Wentz served in the United States Coast Guard for eight years as a Rescue Survival Swimmer and a Maritime Law Enforcement Member. He was stationed in San Francisco and Seattle. Mr. Wentz, we thank you for your service.

Mr. Wentz leads the pledge.

Mrs. Benton:
We are grateful to have two other faculty members who are veterans.
Amber Barnello, a teacher at LHS served in the US Air Force and was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base, as well Kadena Air Force Base for 4 years working as a munitions specialist. This assignment included inspecting and transporting munitions, as well as a trainer for munition transportation drivers. She was deployed to Diego Garcia, in the Indian Ocean, during Desert Storm. Ms. Barnello was also enlisted in the US Army National Guard and stationed in North Dakota and Las Vegas working in water purification. Ms. Barnello, we thank you for your service.

Sean Sweeney, a Business Teacher at LHS, served as a Captain in the United States Marine Corps. During his 4 years of service, he was stationed at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, California, where he and his platoon of Marines ensured more than 15,000 civilians per year were outfitted with the equipment and materials needed to get them through Marine Corps Boot Camp training - earning them the title of “the Few, the Proud, the Marines.”


LHS Swim Test
This test is for students who wish to test out of the swim class requirement. The date for this waiver is Wednesday, November 17th. One session will be offered with a limit of 30 students, priority given to Seniors. The registration link will be open until tomorrow, November 12th or until all slots are filled. It will fill up fast so register soon. The sign-up link is available in the Counseling Office.

To all 10th, 11th and 12th graders:
This is a reminder that registration for Concurrent Enrollment classes at ACC for Spring 2022 runs through the month of November. Please make an appointment with your counselor to begin this process. Any further questions, please see Mr. Puchino, or your counselor.

Attention Seniors: There are many college and scholarship deadlines coming up in the next few weeks. Don't forget to request your transcripts on Naviance as well as in person, by filling out the paper Transcript Request Form. And, keep in mind that the Registrar's Office will be closed during Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. Double check your deadlines and plan ahead!

LHS Athletic Registration for Winter Sports 2021-2022 is now open. Go to to register. Winter Sports starts on Monday, November 15 and students must be cleared in order to participate. Contact the Athletic Department with any questions.